Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Katrina ... How To Help

Katrina ... How To Help
Katrina is on a path of destruction creating massive flooding and structural damage in the many, many areas. Much of the affected area will be uninhabitable for weeks, perhaps longer.
Help people and communities affected by this storm.
You can find several helping hands to donate to through this site ... for people and for the animals
and if you don't see one on this list they have a main site list to find one thatyou might want to donate here.
Listed you will find how to donate time, money and other helpful ways ...
Help those Katrina victims in need and you will also find world organizations helping around the world through www.networkforgood.org.
~ Help those that cannot help themselves ~
You will be blessed ...
Sharae Taylor

Sunday, August 28, 2005

New Specials - New Additions

Two (2) Different New Specials for the month of September will be available September 1. These specials will run for two weeks only each. Those posted on Sept. 1 will expire on Sept. 15 and then a New Special will run to expire on Sept. 30th. September will be the last month of 2005 that some of these fantastic savings will be offered. Time grows very short for those wanting unique & personal Angel painting gifts finished in time for Christmas delivery for those on your Christmas Gift Lists ... Cut off Date for a finished painting is Oct. 1st. after this date Only Gift Announcements will be available for you to give until the finished painting is completed & shipped. Here is a sample of the Gift Announcement which can be emailed to you or mailed directly mailed to you inserted into a lovely card for you to personally give to your special loved one. 118 Days until Christmas at the time of this writing ... Not many left ! Now is the time to seriously place your Christmas Orders ... There is a Christmas Gallery ... and there will be Specials in the other Galleries as well ... so take the time to visit each and every one ... Please visit the Newest Galleries ... "Angel of Comfort" Gallery and "Angels & Virtue" Gallery There is still time to take advantage of the August Specials and the "Forever Special"
Angels by Sharae ... Art your soul responds to ...
© Sharae Taylor - Text & Image

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Press Release: "Angels & Virtue" - Art Your Soul Responds To

Angels & Virtue - Art Your Soul Responds To Internationally renowned Angel artist, Sharae Taylor, of Angels by Sharae (http://www.angelsbysharae.com/) announced today her New Assignment is "Angels & Virtue". Art for a New Age - art your soul responds to.

(PRWEB) August 24, 2005 -- Internationally renowned Angel artist, Sharae Taylor, of Angels by Sharae (http://www.angelsbysharae.com/) announced today her New Assignment is "Angels & Virtue". Art for a New Age - art your soul responds to.

Sharae has had a strong affinity and connection to the Angels for decades. As always, Sharae is delegated by her inner knowingness and her connection to the Angels that now is the time for their help to manifest in the physical reality these Divine Virtues through her Angel paintings. Sharae has been instructed these Angels & Virtue paintings will speak to you in many ways and it is your responsibility to respond in how you feel personally guided. To order one for yourself or possibly a gift .. that is up to you as Sharae is only the channel for these Angel paintings to bring forth the new energies ... art for a new age.. art your soul responds to. These Angels & Virtue Angel paintings all have a specific purpose and are completely individualized for each individual.

"Some people and religions believe in the seven (7) virtues and other people and religions or belief in the Ascended Masters now believe in the Twelve (12) Divine Virtues. Angels & Virtue - as I am guided, I am now offering these Twelve Divine Virtues in the form of Angel paintings. Each painting is to be created specifically for the person, persons, group, church or association that requests these. I choose to paint the Twelve Divine Virtues as they speak to my heart ... Beauty, Compassion, Courage, Curiosity, Imagination, Joy, Justice, Love, Loyalty, Power, Purity and Will. The Ascended Master teachings in the form of Angel paintings. Archangels & Virtues have long been in the history of Angelology.

As the gallery grows with examples of these original Angels and Virtue paintings I will share them with you in all their glory in the gallery created to showcase them.

Humanity's remembrance of the Divine Virtues is very much needed at this time in our planet's evolution ... a back to basics. We all need our spirits calmed, balanced and restored on a daily basis. Music and Art is a must in our environment. Gentle beauty and peacefulness is like fertilizer to the garden. This is why I have been given this new type of Angel painting. They are instilled with and bring the energies of the Angel that has been assigned to these virtues. The paintings are created in the traditional way that I have always been instructed to paint my Angel paintings. These paintings reach a new depth that hasn't been brought forth until now ... as I experience more and more of these paintings I will be able to share with you the additional information I gain and am given ... I fully trust these paintings are what they claim to be from the witnessing I have been able to see of the paintings I have actually been able to place in the individual's hand for whom the painting was intended and first hand see and feel their reaction ... I will keep you updated." stated Sharae.

"Sharae is a fantastic Intuitive Angelic Medium where she is bringing through messages from the Angels in her paintings to help uplift humanity. I know from having spoken with her many times on what she "sees" and the energies that swirl around her, that she is, in fact, bringing a healing balm to the many souls that want a feeling of Angelic presence, and inner peace. She works from the heart center, and cares deeply about uplifting humanity. This, I have found, is one of her greatest motivations, and as a result, her work is entirely inspiring and uplifting, as well as beautifully filled with Angelic messages and energy. Both she and her work are treasures." ... Barbara Rose, Editor, Inspire! magazine (www.borntoinspire.com)

Sharae Taylor is a highly collectible and sought after internationally well known intuitive Angel artist on a passionate spiritual journey whose paintings are in world wide collections. Her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey , Donna Terody Sheratan, Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. She has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors, Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel".Sharae's Angels were currently featured in the February issue of the online magazine, Planet Lightworker.com (http://www.planetlightworker.com/) sister site to Lightworker.com (http://www.lightworker.com/) and is featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD in the United Kingdom, produced by Llewellyn (http://www.llewellynmusic.com/) for New World Music (www.newworldmusic.com/uk).

Sharae's Angels and the newest lines of "Angels & Virtue" and "Angel of Comfort" (created for sympathy, grief & loss gifts) can be seen at her extensive gallery website http://www.angelsbysharae.com/ or www.angelsbysharae.com/Gallery.html


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Angel of Comfort ... The Story

"Angel of Comfort" ... The Story I am an Angel artist and several weeks ago while listening to the late night news, a news story came on that really touched my heart. On the way home in the wedding limo ... a drunk driver caused a horrible wreck, resulting in the loss of a child and the limo driver. This story stayed in my mind. A few days later, a woman emailed me requesting my help. She wanted to know if an Angel painting could be created for this family. I immediately knew who the family was. I heard a voice say ..."Yes, you can help ... Create an Angel of Comfort for her painting ... their energies are needed here." I emailed the woman and she immediately commissioned the painting. The painting took on a life of its’ own. Upon delivery, the woman emailed back saying this was perfect and just what she had envisioned to help this family. I know my paintings help others all the time and had never thought of them helping in this way. The voice is still saying "There are more to help". I am researching grief and loss, thus the Angel of Comfort Gallery was created. In my research, one of the definitions that I found really struck a chord with me. "Grief is the reaction to loss." Losses can range from loss of employment, divorce, pets, social status, a sense of safety, order, possessions, to the loss of the people nearest to us including friendships and relationships. Having experienced several of these losses myself, I would never have described the pain that I was going through as grieving unless it was the death of a loved one or pet. When I thought about what I had experienced during these times I had a light bulb moment ... I realized the pain felt no different. I was actually grieving. This put a new comprehension on what I had been told ... "There are more to help" ... and why the Angel of Comfort Angel paintings will help so many. Grief is grief and loss is loss and our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies respond the same with a deep and profound sense of loss. This has opened within me a new understanding of the work I have been given and why this new additional door has been opened on the path of my spiritual journey. The bible verse in Matthew 5:4: "Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted", keeps running through my mind. It is through the mourning that healing takes place. This is the way releasing deep pain was intended by God, with the promise that comfort will be and is provided. God sends His Angels for all things, for we are dearly loved and cared for and never alone. A whole new understanding of grief and loss. by Sharae Taylor © Sharae Taylor You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Sharae Taylor is a well known Intuitive Angel Artist whose paintings are in world wide collections and her works have been exhibited with other well known Angel Artists Andy Lakey ,Donna Terody Sheratan,Gary Markowitz, past art editor of "Angel Times" magazine and K. Martin Kuri, Angel Artist and Author. Sharae has also participated in many Angel Expos and Angel Conferences with other well known Angel Authors, Alma Daniels author of "Ask Your Angels" and John Ronner author of "Do You Have a Guardian Angel". Her Angel paintings are featured in the newly released "Angels" DVD by Llewellyn and New World Music and was featured in the February 2005 issue of Planetlightworker.com. Sharae is a published author in magazines and ezine magazines. To view Sharae's Angelic art and for further information visit her website at:http://www.angelsbysharae.com/

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

What is an Appropriate Sympathy Gift ?

When a friend or loved one is grieving, it is hard to know what to say or how to show your support. When you want to provide comfort and support and show your concern for a family member, a friend, or an associate, a personalized gift is always an ideal choice. The best gifts are those given and chosen from the heart. It says that you really care and have taken the time to think about the time after the initial grief of losing a loved one ... during the alone and lonely times.

Here is a list of some elegant and comforting gifts, that are simple and appropriate expressions of sympathy for the family and are alternatives to the standard flowers ...

• Angel Painting ... personalized

• Jewelry ... pendant or bracelet

• Music CD

• Book of Poems or poem written by you

• Gift Basket personalized to the family

• Photo Album or Scrapbook of good times shared

• Plant a Tree

• Favorite Photograph Framed

• Memorial Garden Stepping Stone or Bench

• Angel Suncatcher

• Journal for Memories

• Angel Candle and Votive Holder

• Memory Box

• Table Fountain

• Bible or Rosary

Remember, there are no words when someone has experienced the loss of a loved one and when flowers aren't enough to express your caring ... an elegant way to comfort the heart ...personalize it for the family or person you want to bring comfort to ... a continuing expression of love and support with loving thoughts in sympathy ...

In the following weeks be sure and stay in touch with the family or individual by making personal contact with them. Plan a trip or outing if the relationship is a close one. The gift of continual caring and friendship is always appropriate and well received if given from the heart. Sometimes it is the intangible gift that is most appropriate and lasting.

© Sharae Taylor

Sharae Taylor of AngelsbySharae.com - http://www.angelsbysharae.com is a well known Intuitive Angel Artist whose paintings are in world wide collections and published author in magazines and ezines. To view Sharae's Angelic art and for further information about the "Angel of Comfort", one of many personalized Angel paintings, visit her website at: http://www.angelsbysharae.com/AngelofComfortGallery.html

Feel free to reprint this free article in your ezine or on your site, newspaper as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include the resource box as listed